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Introduction to Petroleum Engineering


About this course

In this course, you will learn such concepts as oil and gas production, reservoir energy and forces, petroleum deposit drainage, development systems, well operation techniques and much more. Each participant in the course will develop an understanding of field life cycle and interdisciplinary approach to petroleum field development and operation.
Throughout the course, we will address the following topical areas:

  • History of oil and gas application, international petroleum reserves
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology: rock cycle; oil, gas and water deposits; oil and gas composition; oil generation; prospecting for oil and gas fields
  • Major exploration techniques, seismic methods, well testing; basics of reservoir engineering and modelling
  • Basics of well drilling and production.

What will I learn in this course?

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Analyse and apply theoretical knowledge in the area of petroleum geology, reservoir engineering and production technology
  • Describe major exploration and production techniques and processes
  • Distinguish between major enhanced oil and gas recovery techniques
  • Understand application areas of petrochemical products
  • Analyse global situation in the petroleum industry and its influence of people’s daily lives.

Who should participate in this course?

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the petroleum industry is welcome to join this introductory course. More specific groups include:

  • High school students planning a career, and their parents
  • Graduates holding BSc or Engineering degrees looking for further training options
  • Petroleum company employees with a non-petroleum educational background who are not involved directly in field exploration and development (finance, marketing, management, HR, etc.) but require general understanding of petroleum industry.

What do I need to know?

No prior knowledge or specific skills are necessary for joining this course. Just bring your curiosity, attention and will. From our side, we tried our best to make the course as interesting and visually compelling as possible, and put together many exciting activities for you.


7 weeks of study

Course Structure

Chapter 1: Introduction: Petroleum in Our Life
1. Introduction to petroleum engineering
2. Historical review
3. Oil pricing
4. Geographical distribution of petroleum
5. Industry structure
6. Challenges and trends in petroleum industry

Chapter 2: Petroleum Geology
1. Introduction. Geology and geologists
2. Rock cycle
3. Classification and structure of sedimentary rocks
4. How petroleum fields are formed
5. Cores
6. Reservoir properties
7. Rock properties
8. Fluid properties

Chapter 3: Exploration Geophysics. Well Logging. Well Testing
1. Introduction
2. Production geology
3. Seismic surveys
4. Seismic methods
5. Well logging
6. SP logging method
7. Well testing

Chapter 4: Reservoir Engineering
1. Reservoir engineering
2. Life cycle of an oil field
3. Oil recovery methods
4. Secondary recovery
5. Pressure maintenance
6. Waterflooding
7. Reservoir simulation

Chapter 5: Drilling
1. Drilling engineering: introduction and history of drilling
2. Concepts and terms
3. Drilling technology
4. Drilling equipment
5. Circulation system
6. Drilling complications
7. Well cementing. Well completion

Chapter 6: Production Technology
1. Petroleum production technology
2. Oil production and well operation
3. Open flow
4. Gas lift
5. Pumps used on oil wells
6. Electrical submersible pumps
7. Gas well operation
8. Separate production

Chapter 7: Enhanced Recovery Techniques
1. Introduction to stimulation operations
2. Stimulation design and implementation
3. Formation damage
4. Stimulation candidate well selection
5. Stimulation methods
6. Stimulation methods. Hydraulic fracturing
7. Acid treatment

Course instructors

Liubov Vorobyeva

Liubov Vorobyeva

Liubov Vorobyeva is a teacher and research officer at Petroleum Learning Centre, Tomsk Polytechnic University. She received her Petroleum Engineering degree from the Institute of Natural Resources at Tomsk Polytechnic University, and her international MSc degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot-Watt University (UK). She also holds a degree in Management awarded by Russian American Centre at TPU. Ms. Vorobyeva is Heriot-Watt Approved Teacher in Reservoir Simulation, she also teaches short courses in Reservoir Simulation and Introduction into Petroleum Engineering. Since 2007, she has been part of Petroleum Learning Centre research team, working on technical competence assessment and building geological and reservoir models.

Konstantin Maksyutin

Konstantin Maksyutin

Konstantin Maksyutin is Deputy Director for Professional Development at Petroleum Learning Centre, Tomsk Polytechnic University. He received his degree in Foreign Language Teaching from Tomsk Pedagogic University and international MSc degree from the University of Rouen (France). He also holds Candidate of Sciences degree in Teaching Methods. Since 2002, Mr. Maksyutin has been involved in petroleum industry; first as translator and interpreter of short courses, then as short course manager. He runs Technical English training program for non-English speaking students of Heriot-Watt University MSc programs delivered by Petroleum Learning Centre, TPU. Mr.Maksyutin teaches courses in English for Petroleum Engineering, Business Communications and Systems Thinking.

Cost and conditions of participation

The course is free of charge. You have to register to participate.

Как будет проходить обучение

1. В день открытия курса всем зарегистрировавшимся участникам на электронную почту придет приглашение со ссылкой на курс.
2. Обучение будет проходить на нашей платформе в онлайн-формате. Каждая глава курса будет открываться согласно расписанию.
3. В курсе предусмотрены проверочные задания, которые имеют строгие сроки выполнения и влияют на получение сертификата.
4. Во время обучения вы сможете общаться с преподавателем и другими слушателями курса на форуме.



Tomsk Polytechnic University




PJSC «Gazprom»

The course was designed and developed with the financial support from PJSC «GAZPROM».
